Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'd be a chair that you could sit in...

This week's opening remarks courtesy of Canadian SuperUltraMegaStars.. SoulDecision!!! wooo. Ok I haven't posted for a while because I've been super lazy and uninspired but I think we could all use a daily dose of fun so here we go. As previously foreshadowed lol, today's theme will be SoulDecision <3.

Boy - Justin Hartley! He totally reminds me of the lead singer (Trever Guthrie) from SoulDecision I always picture him singing when I hear "Ooh it's kinda crazy"

God I love Blondes

They look alike, no? Trever on the left and Justin on the right, I know, you totally needed me to tell you.

T.V. Show - Smallville (If we're talking Justin Hartley, and we're not going to backtrack to the horrible yet horribly addictive tv show passions, we gotta go there)

mmm.. drool.
Artist - like I said.. SoulDecision!

Geez that lead singer is adorable.

Songs - Oooh It's Kinda Crazy, The Love of My Life (Cadillac Dress), and who can forget Faded?

Thought for the day: "I've had enough of plastic people wasting my time" - SoulDecision (duh!)