Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

Ok, I know I'm 29 days late but as long as it's still January new year's game, right? So today's theme will be NEW NEW NEW!

New Boy: Yummy new(ish) male model Garrett Neff.. though I might love him because he reminds me of a pretty version of the already pretty Captain Awesome on Chuck.



This is Captain Awesome for reference' sake:

New T.V. Show Character: Daniel Shaw

Though Chuck isn't new, they've introduced a mucho fantastic new character by the name of Daniel Shaw. The smoking hot Superman Returns star, Brandon Routh, is stealing hearts with his freakishly clear skin and perfect Superman, clay-modeled hair as the new CIA operative who takes over Operation Bartowski. Might I also add this season of Chuck is waay better than the last two seasons combined; I think it's the combo of increasing the spy goingsons, making Morgan assistant manager, and upping Captain Awesome's screen time (Thank you very much!). It's like they sat down and listened to exactly what their fans wanted and for that they must be praised.

New Movie: ... :S

Ok shut up and stop judgining me. It's not like I'm into old people's comedies or anything and even though I thought Something's Gotta Give and the Women were both great films.. that does not mean squat. But for serious, I want Meryl Streep's house in this movie.. I also want to marry John Krasinski.. I don't wanna talk about it..

New Song: I'm working on it.. I don't like any new music right now 2010 has been disappointing in this department so far :(.

New Book: Dead in the Family (I'm waiting for it to come out on paperback so I won't regret buying it - March 30/2010 is the release date for those interested)

So what if I'm anticipating the release of this poorly written series.. It's a lot of fun to take the plunge into someone else's conjured fantasies.

New Obsession: Alexander Skarsgard + Sweden + True Blood/Sookie (+ Anna Paquin - she's perfect, and Eric's more perfect and together they make a beautiful pair.. and though I'm not usually a fan of two blondes together because it's kinda blinding to the eyes, I love their paring in True Blood (though that was already an obsession of mine, reading the Sookie Stackhouse Novels made me go back and watch the first two seasons again)) + all things that have ever come in contact with Alexander Skarsgard.. I want to have his freakishly tall vampire  babies..darn you Alexander Skarsgard for making me so obsessed with Swedes. Why couldn't you bet shorter and less drool-worthy and not have the face of an angel who was born on a cloud?
Can We also talk about how INCREDIBLE Anna's dress is?
p.s. very excited for this guy:

being casted as Alcide for True Blood.. I never really found him hot on OTH as Owen until I saw this..

One Tree Hill 6x08 Brooke, Nathan, and Owen

..and then I found out he was 6'5''.. and then it was over.. because that's quite possibly the hottest height for a man.