Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Cheesy title, I know. So, in keeping consistent/plagarizing my other blog today's post is going to be about loners, probably because when Rachel approached Kurt on tonight's episode of Glee about understanding his feelings of lonliness it struck a sad chord with me. Speaking of chords.. umm have you seen the new cutie on glee? Chord Overstreet? I'm not posting his pic because I'm such a ped sometimes..

So in lew of finding an age-appropriate man to represent lonliness: Charizard, I choose you! Jk.. I'm thinking Ralph Lauren Models. Not because they're lonely but because when I see their beautiful, chiseled faces and brooding blue eyes.. I can feel my unrealistic expectations destining me to seek comfort and love in the 14 cats I will own.

God, these men are disgustingly handsome.

Wow this post is depressing.

Okay, song: Estranged - Guns n Roses .. "When you're talking to yourself, and nobody's home.. alone" lol
And because I own another equally beautiful and equally depressing song I'll stick it in here too: Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung.

Book: The Giver by Lois Lowry - Okay I know Jonas kinda has the old man and Gabe but his journey of truth is a lonely, frightening one..

Movie: Happy Feet.. the movie was forgettable, but it was the first one I saw in theatres by myself haha you never forget the first time you go to the theatre by yourself.. I actually really hated the movie so I'm not going to put the picture up..

Superhero/ Mercenary: Deadpool (because of his self-loathing - mostly because of physical appearance - Wade pushes away the people he loves therefore making him lonely)

T.V. Character: Annie! From Season 2 of 90210 (because she killed a man and isolated herself from her family and friends (and ultimately ended up turning to a creepy freak named Jasper who was related to the man she killed)).. I've been needing an excuse to put this girl in one of my posts.

Computer game: Solitaire (haha)