Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Cheesy title, I know. So, in keeping consistent/plagarizing my other blog today's post is going to be about loners, probably because when Rachel approached Kurt on tonight's episode of Glee about understanding his feelings of lonliness it struck a sad chord with me. Speaking of chords.. umm have you seen the new cutie on glee? Chord Overstreet? I'm not posting his pic because I'm such a ped sometimes..

So in lew of finding an age-appropriate man to represent lonliness: Charizard, I choose you! Jk.. I'm thinking Ralph Lauren Models. Not because they're lonely but because when I see their beautiful, chiseled faces and brooding blue eyes.. I can feel my unrealistic expectations destining me to seek comfort and love in the 14 cats I will own.

God, these men are disgustingly handsome.

Wow this post is depressing.

Okay, song: Estranged - Guns n Roses .. "When you're talking to yourself, and nobody's home.. alone" lol
And because I own another equally beautiful and equally depressing song I'll stick it in here too: Strange and Beautiful - Aqualung.

Book: The Giver by Lois Lowry - Okay I know Jonas kinda has the old man and Gabe but his journey of truth is a lonely, frightening one..

Movie: Happy Feet.. the movie was forgettable, but it was the first one I saw in theatres by myself haha you never forget the first time you go to the theatre by yourself.. I actually really hated the movie so I'm not going to put the picture up..

Superhero/ Mercenary: Deadpool (because of his self-loathing - mostly because of physical appearance - Wade pushes away the people he loves therefore making him lonely)

T.V. Character: Annie! From Season 2 of 90210 (because she killed a man and isolated herself from her family and friends (and ultimately ended up turning to a creepy freak named Jasper who was related to the man she killed)).. I've been needing an excuse to put this girl in one of my posts.

Computer game: Solitaire (haha)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Frick, I have so much work to do.

So obviously I'm going to waste my time instead. Umm so today's theme is Black.

Boy/ Man in front of a black background lol.. I guess I could have picked a black man but I watched the Expendables recently and I had a total crush on the muscular crazy old dude so I felt obligated to put him in this post. Anywho his name is Dolph Lundgren and you may or may not recognize him from Rocky IV which I did not watch but more recently he was on the Chuck season premiere.. which I also did not watch.. yet.

Book with a Black Cover:
Stephen King's Pet Sematary!!!
Okay so this is the first Stephen King novel I have ever read and I chose it because I thought it hadn't been made into a movie (I was wrong) and it was praised as one of his best but most underrated novels. No doubt this book is scary and I adored it.

Barbie in Black:
The new Barbie Basics collection is gorgeous and they are dressed impeccably. I put down my two favourites and then the entire collection.

Movies starring a precominantly black cast:
I couldn't pick but it's a toss up between Brown Sugar and Love and Basketball (you go Sanaa Lathan)!

Album: Black and Blue (My personal favourite of the Backstreet Boys' discography)

Superhero in Black:
Ugh, okay so I picked Batman. The thing is I would have picked a Marvel character but they're all so brightly uniformed and the ones that do wear black (off the top of my head, Black Panthar, sometimes Storm, kind of Kitty Pride, etc. are not as awesome as Batman).

Supervillain in Black:
The thing is, I would have gladly picked a non-DC supervillain but the fact of the matter is: Batman has the greatest villains. So I picked Penguin. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i do what i want

Boy: James Franco (Goooorgeous)

Some would say he took a step backward after filming the critically acclaimed Milk; perhaps they say this is because James went on to appear in his own story arch on General Hospital. Well I say, let's be serious, James Franco does what he wants.
p.s. he's hilarious. I absolutely loved him on SNL (The "Jammies" sketch and the "What up With That" sketch where he was basically some warped vesion of a white Frankenstein jumping from side to side - for some reason I could not stop laughing when I saw that) and in this Funny or Die series with his supercute little brother Dave.

Song: Bad Reputation - Joan Jett

Superhero: Deadpool (we all know it's the thought that counts and this "Merc with a Mouth" belongs in the superhero category even though he switches teams like it's nobody's business; because really, when it comes down to it, deadpool does want to be an x-man.)

Character in a Novel: Holden Caulfield (some may call him crazy but I say he sees the world through an unfiltered lens that lets him see who the true phonies and innocents are). I never met a character loved more than Holden (maybe Anne Shirley - she tells it like it is as well.. they would be great together, if Gil wasn't so pefect for her). Anywhoo regardless of what people think, Holden does what he wants. For whatever reasons he wants, he's a straight up gem.
Let's face it. Holden's ideal job of being a catcher in the rye is about the most unique and beautiful form of employment we've ever heard! If you don't agree I'd like you to name ONE that's more unique and beautiful.

Fashion Icon: Victoria Beckham (I don't care if she dresses herself or not she always looks good and she wears what she wants/ looks stunning always)

T.V. Show: Robot Chicken
They rip on everything and everyone and it's hilarious (most of the time).  My faves are their Star Wars parodies.

T.V. Show Character: Veronica Mars
She does what she wants and sometimes this leads to complications and destroys relationships but she's cute as a button so people forgive her and love her again.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So in Love Love Love with Canada Right Now

So still off the high of Sunday night's Olympic/Canada epic WIN my theme today will be the same on as July 1 :D. Oh Canada.

Canadian Boy (Num num num):
Umm Canada's Golden Boy/Hero/Legend?/Babe! Sidney "Sid the Kid/87" Crosby (Esq. lol)


Canada's Current Anthem:
Classified's Oh Canada

Canadian Superhero: Wolverine

(I know he's short, stumpy, and hairy.. BUT he's jacked, invincible, and made of ademantium, AND Hugh Jackman made him hot)

Canadian Actor playing a Superhero: Taylor Kitsch as Gambit (I know this category doesn't even make sense but wasn't Taylor soo hot? I just had to include it)

Canadian Show:
Freaky Stories! (What? You thought I'd say Degrassi didn't you? Well, you were wrong.. I would have said Are You Afraid of the Dark but Freaky Stories takes the cake)

Book by a Canadian Author:
Anne of Green Gables (the entire series + Anne and Gil's 40590357 children)

Canadian Movie: Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel
That screenshot says it all. Oh Gil.. what a hunk <3

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

Ok, I know I'm 29 days late but as long as it's still January new year's game, right? So today's theme will be NEW NEW NEW!

New Boy: Yummy new(ish) male model Garrett Neff.. though I might love him because he reminds me of a pretty version of the already pretty Captain Awesome on Chuck.



This is Captain Awesome for reference' sake:

New T.V. Show Character: Daniel Shaw

Though Chuck isn't new, they've introduced a mucho fantastic new character by the name of Daniel Shaw. The smoking hot Superman Returns star, Brandon Routh, is stealing hearts with his freakishly clear skin and perfect Superman, clay-modeled hair as the new CIA operative who takes over Operation Bartowski. Might I also add this season of Chuck is waay better than the last two seasons combined; I think it's the combo of increasing the spy goingsons, making Morgan assistant manager, and upping Captain Awesome's screen time (Thank you very much!). It's like they sat down and listened to exactly what their fans wanted and for that they must be praised.

New Movie: ... :S

Ok shut up and stop judgining me. It's not like I'm into old people's comedies or anything and even though I thought Something's Gotta Give and the Women were both great films.. that does not mean squat. But for serious, I want Meryl Streep's house in this movie.. I also want to marry John Krasinski.. I don't wanna talk about it..

New Song: I'm working on it.. I don't like any new music right now 2010 has been disappointing in this department so far :(.

New Book: Dead in the Family (I'm waiting for it to come out on paperback so I won't regret buying it - March 30/2010 is the release date for those interested)

So what if I'm anticipating the release of this poorly written series.. It's a lot of fun to take the plunge into someone else's conjured fantasies.

New Obsession: Alexander Skarsgard + Sweden + True Blood/Sookie (+ Anna Paquin - she's perfect, and Eric's more perfect and together they make a beautiful pair.. and though I'm not usually a fan of two blondes together because it's kinda blinding to the eyes, I love their paring in True Blood (though that was already an obsession of mine, reading the Sookie Stackhouse Novels made me go back and watch the first two seasons again)) + all things that have ever come in contact with Alexander Skarsgard.. I want to have his freakishly tall vampire  babies..darn you Alexander Skarsgard for making me so obsessed with Swedes. Why couldn't you bet shorter and less drool-worthy and not have the face of an angel who was born on a cloud?
Can We also talk about how INCREDIBLE Anna's dress is?
p.s. very excited for this guy:

being casted as Alcide for True Blood.. I never really found him hot on OTH as Owen until I saw this..

One Tree Hill 6x08 Brooke, Nathan, and Owen

..and then I found out he was 6'5''.. and then it was over.. because that's quite possibly the hottest height for a man.