Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So in Love Love Love with Canada Right Now

So still off the high of Sunday night's Olympic/Canada epic WIN my theme today will be the same on as July 1 :D. Oh Canada.

Canadian Boy (Num num num):
Umm Canada's Golden Boy/Hero/Legend?/Babe! Sidney "Sid the Kid/87" Crosby (Esq. lol)


Canada's Current Anthem:
Classified's Oh Canada

Canadian Superhero: Wolverine

(I know he's short, stumpy, and hairy.. BUT he's jacked, invincible, and made of ademantium, AND Hugh Jackman made him hot)

Canadian Actor playing a Superhero: Taylor Kitsch as Gambit (I know this category doesn't even make sense but wasn't Taylor soo hot? I just had to include it)

Canadian Show:
Freaky Stories! (What? You thought I'd say Degrassi didn't you? Well, you were wrong.. I would have said Are You Afraid of the Dark but Freaky Stories takes the cake)

Book by a Canadian Author:
Anne of Green Gables (the entire series + Anne and Gil's 40590357 children)

Canadian Movie: Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel
That screenshot says it all. Oh Gil.. what a hunk <3