Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mystery & Mayhem

Hey y'all.. since I'll be up very late trying to finish studying, I thought I'd find different ways to waste some more of my time before getting to it.. So today's theme is mystery ooooh. I know so fun right?!

Boy: Sexy Crime Scene Investigator Nick Stokes (num num)

Movie: Primal Fear (with the love of my life/ best actor in the universe/ One day I'll dedicate an entire post to him, Edward Norton)

T.V. Show: Veronica Mars (possibly the greatest show ever to grace the television.. although I only got into it after it was cancelled.. and I watched all of the episodes online in two glorious sleep-deprived days)

Superhero(es): So the first mystery-solving superheroes that popped into my head were the TMNT! hecks yeah.. loved them when I was small, love them still, and still dry my body with my favourite 12 year old TMNT towel.

Kids Books: If we're talking about mystery I had to give a shout out to my favourite children's mystery books! Clue, Clue Jr. and the Bailey School Kids series (and that Camera girl who had the photographic memory whose name I can't remember)

And while we're at it.. Board Game: Clue! Duh I love that game!

If you're wondering why there's no Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew, or Harriet the Spy mentioned above it's because they're lame and don't impress me.  I haven't really read the Hardy Boys so it's quite possible they are awesome and I guess here's the place to shout out to the Pink Panther as well.. he was quite the cool cat..

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bonjour y'all...

Okie.. so I'm superbored right now and what better way to kill time than blog (even though I totally have to study).. Anywhoo I thought today's theme could be The French/ Canada's other half..

Boy: Gaspard Ulliel (délicieux)

p.s. that dimple looking thing is not a dimple.. he was actually attacked by a dog.. isn't that hot? and he's so chaud i had to give you more...

Movie: Chocolat? Does that even count.. and I just liked, I didn't love it. I'm not even going to put a picture of it up

Superhero: Gambit/ Remy LeBeau (duh/ chaud!/ I just loved his "French" accent when I was small)

Songs: Affirmative Action (International Remix (check ya lyrics)) - NTM feat. Nas & Foxy Brown, Sam Robert's No Sleep, Metric's Poster of a Girl

T.V. Character: Rene Lenier from True Blood (God I love a good Cajun Accent - hence the ending of True Blood when he stopped talking with it I was totally more freaked out than I should have been.. YOU MEAN HE'S NOT CAJUN?)/ he kinda looks like the guy in NTM in the picture above/ despite my best efforts this was the most complementing picture I could find of him.