Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mystery & Mayhem

Hey y'all.. since I'll be up very late trying to finish studying, I thought I'd find different ways to waste some more of my time before getting to it.. So today's theme is mystery ooooh. I know so fun right?!

Boy: Sexy Crime Scene Investigator Nick Stokes (num num)

Movie: Primal Fear (with the love of my life/ best actor in the universe/ One day I'll dedicate an entire post to him, Edward Norton)

T.V. Show: Veronica Mars (possibly the greatest show ever to grace the television.. although I only got into it after it was cancelled.. and I watched all of the episodes online in two glorious sleep-deprived days)

Superhero(es): So the first mystery-solving superheroes that popped into my head were the TMNT! hecks yeah.. loved them when I was small, love them still, and still dry my body with my favourite 12 year old TMNT towel.

Kids Books: If we're talking about mystery I had to give a shout out to my favourite children's mystery books! Clue, Clue Jr. and the Bailey School Kids series (and that Camera girl who had the photographic memory whose name I can't remember)

And while we're at it.. Board Game: Clue! Duh I love that game!

If you're wondering why there's no Sherlock Holmes, Nancy Drew, or Harriet the Spy mentioned above it's because they're lame and don't impress me.  I haven't really read the Hardy Boys so it's quite possible they are awesome and I guess here's the place to shout out to the Pink Panther as well.. he was quite the cool cat..