Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scary Harry Hallowe'en

Ok so today's theme is Halloween/ better known as scarrrry hot.

Boy: Chris Brown in the Transform Ya video.. ok I know he's abusive which is completely unacceptable for any reason (even if he was beating rihanna for making bad music, which is what I believe), I have to say, he looks really good in this video (but in a superscary, he's about to beat you, kind of way).

Movie: Final Destination (ok I know it's a little cheesy but it's my favourite scary movie)

Villain: Gaston from Beauty and the Beast (mmm, hottest cartoon man ever lol)

Supervillain: Heath Ledger's Joker, Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow, and my sister says Two-Face but he's my favourite Villain of all time (the complexities of his personalities was what made him loveable in my opinion but it's the thing that makes him so scary to my sister).

T.V. Show character: Sylar (so hot, and so scary at the same time - I'm talking season 1 of Heroes)